Thursday, 16 September 2010
Bushfire Season
To T. (Part I.)
A lyrical scarf to warm your throat,
And stay up with you on cold winter nights.
- Keeps you going, keeps you sweet,
Alive and merry.
Relieves you, revives you, releases a smile.
Complimenting the stars, the moon.
And tobacco on your lips.
Or Sunrise, early showers, soapy skin
- Waiting in the morning to greet you gently.
Takes you to bed, where it keeps your body warm.
Snug –
While lavender soothes the little of your being it cannot.
Reflecting emotion. Moods.
Mild, sweet, milky.
Bitter, dark, hot.
Black or white.
Satisfying the palette.
Settling your stomach,
Quenching a dry mouth.
Hospitable. Welcoming. Kind.
An Icebreaker.
An offering.
Pulling down barriers.
Instructing courage, calming fear –
Spiders in life’s web,
Guard dogs in foreign countries,
And smoky kitchens are overcome.
- Strength, heart and peace of mind rebuilt.
Stirs thought as a spoon stirs sugar –
Feeding a fire, a flame – billows to a weary mind,
Wind to lifeless sails. Perpetual motion.
Washing motivation into your soul
Somewhere between breakfast and lunch.
The afternoon’s unsuspecting catalyst.
Preserving optimism.
A fifth hope. Tshepo.
Encouraging self-erudition. Articulation.
Translating and unwinding complex language.
For two and a half minutes, the world is a simple place.
Monday, 8 February 2010
Trains, Games & Choices.
Write cheques to boys in cars from soho bars.
They're wined & dinned - all the time,
Purring like cats, strike a match
Light a fag, have a drag.
They let the good times roll too far out of control,
Far too long ago. There is no hope.
Fur coats slope down shoulders -
We all grow older.
Down cobbled streets, under christmas lights,
on dark december nights,
She stopped thinking & started drinking.
Decided to come home
When she had that sinking feeling.
Should never have accepted
Now the days are stagnant,
Oh, she might be pregnant -
Just wants to fly away, for a year & a day,
& never ever ever reach the end of her tether again.
She was told she'd regret it.
But listen she wouldn't,
On a one way train too far down the line.
Well this my friend is the end of the line,
Cut it some slack, she won't be back.
Let her lose, sing the blues.
Watch the news, who'd she choose?
She let the good times be, opted for revelry.
Ran before she walked.
Who's to blame, when it rains in the streets,
When Coppers hit the beat?
'cos the world is their oyster
Yet they still loiter along cobbled lanes,
Their story strays & no music plays.
They've lost their way.
Monday, 1 February 2010
The Black Wave
Back to a world of drudgery dearth and broken dreams,
Where a fatalistic sense of eternal loss
Washes in through the door of the classrooms I sit in.
Back to the futile sham that mocks humanity
And the selfishness that engulfs all around,
Touching us all in different ways.
An angry black and bitter wave waiting to drown us all.
Three hours of nothingness,
Lost to the past,
Contemplating what is required
For this machine I live inside.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
The single, once crisp tulip.
I am dying
From within. I don’t wish to,
But I think of this skin
That holds me
Back and I feel ill. I stare,
Glazed over, at all the happiness I have tried to
Capture in moments of grace,
And self contentment.
But this does not do me justice.
This hand does not do me justice.
It all falls short of feeling.
Now I write blankly, efficiently, capturing
What I feel because it is easy.
Do I long for you, or do I wish happiness
Would knock me dead?
Knock me down,
The earth upon my head.
I wait, I long, silently.
Suffering all, wishing nothing.
Nothing will come of nothing.
Or shall I become a sod
So as not to feel and rot,
But just rot, unaware.
I am dying, like a flower,
Whose time is limited.
But unlike a flower,
I see what’s coming.
Unlike the single, once crisp tulip
That hangs aside from the others still-fresh,
Falling from the boring vase
I see my fall
And contemplate it often.
And read poetry which seems both
To help and to hinder.
Like you, an enigma.
The feeling seeps through my nib
Through my heart, through my ribs
Gushing out onto a page, limited,
Tired but taking shape.
Hope leaves me, to be implanted
In a line
A seed,
Sewn. Waiting, longing, wishing quietly
To grow.
But not knowing that its time is limited.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Light Fades.
From electric purple, to a thin fleeting slash
Of amber just above the tree line.
I hold my cigarette up to the horizon –
No difference
An umbrella-tree shields me from the drizzle.
I try to distinguish the rain on leaves
From the rustling branches of gushing trees.
I peer out from under leafy-dreadlocks,
Across an abandoned meadow; it is calm,
But the sound of water tapping foliage is restless –
Its sound calling back to the storms of life.
It was merely a pause.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Reach in like lightning, plunging a green hand
Into your heart, and squeezing tight -
Life-stopping, heart-wrenching,
Bulging between finger - a nightmare,
Stifling panic in a back room - in a black room.
Your mouth trapped behind an irrevocable, greasy paw.
The paw grows nails, the nails gleam, lipstick red.
she moves across the room, you feel her presence. . .
She leaves, the darkness deepens.
Pulses race through tubes,
Out into the world in multi-colors.
Her green grip tightens around your soul -
Fireworks gouge your eyes from inside.
Ready to burst, helpless, breathless.
Familiar hands clutch a glowing breast.
You fall back to earth
back to where you were.
It all happens so fast.
In a flash, like lightning.
The Tin Box
All the sticky flap-jack has been spent.
The sweetness, and energy of youth has run out
in the biscuit-tin we call our lives.
The times before this will always be missed.
But now is a time to freshen your face
with a cool, calm cloth.
Wipe off, those, your last of tears, and restock.
Now stand, the size of a cut on the tip of your finger,
in that vast empty tin.
Gaze up at the stars, and admire them
as they reflect around your box's silvery sides.
Or, at the witching hour, hear the flicker of a cigarette
burn in the silence of a leafy drive.
Keep that sound and let it echo, only for you,
in that spacious box.
And the next day, having worked hard, you will look upon the world with another sense of beauty
- not just seeing the trees and fields in the afternoon sun.
That afternoon, your cup of coffee will taste the same as that very first time.
Its smell fused into your lungs, luring you to try.
Put that in your box too, and close the lid. Tight.
You have sat next to me, and passed me by the side of the track
In rich linen clothes, carrying water in yellow plastic bottles.
You have waved to me, smiled at me with bright flashing pearls,
And peered through wind tickled maize to meet my absorbing eyes.
Under shaded boughs, you have played the locals at their own game.
A game more ancient than trees,
As ancient as you.
I've seen the back of you, huddled in apathetic crowds
Standing round broken down jeeps.
Your essence flowed down the Nile towards me.
Your fragrance has breathed across townships,
Rattled past glass coke bottles on sun-kissed tables an hour before dusk,
Below ashen grills and above glowing hot coals,
Through my open window, as i race past an infinite world of senses.
You scream down dust-tracks and over sparse hills,
Chasing my soul, haunting my memory.
In my contentment, you pull me back,
Rushing through The Conditional, and all the Verbs -
Rushing- racing, loving- tasting, testing one another.
I have though about you for three thousand two hundred and eighty kilometers, but reality is daunting.
I ignore it. - we roll, instead, through long grass -
Between white sheets - through each other's hair,
In Equatorial Heat.
I lie on a faded green windowsill
And sweep eyes across lakes the size of oceans.
Creamy doors and forest-archways.
Washed, but unshaven, glowing skin in the black, on the windows.
Red wine and tobacco pass between lips,
As bare feet pass over cold flag-stones
From a brazen kitchen of flashing terra-cotta
Into it's depths... - a beast with a warm heart,
Hibernating in winter.
Sly drafts blow up blackened flights of stairs.
Up to the attic,
Past a broken trap-door
And up,
Out of the slumbering animal it gives life to.
Meeting with the evening air, it goes
Howling round the dusty orb of murky gold,
The heavy floating mass that is the moon
(As it slides silently and endlessly over silhouetted tree-tops.)
With the house too,
Shelves and cupboards
Bend silently under the weight
Of faded volumes and
Majestic paintings haunt long, frozen walls
And empty stairwells with bodies
And eyes that move with you
Along carpeted spaces.
And all the while,
Childish, abstract pieces bring balance to the eerie vacuum,
Rippling mirth out onto worn down furniture,
Even in Winter's shadowy grasp.
Single-glazed sash-windows fight off the frost from inside.
leafy figures cross the lawn outside,
As earthy rooms' sides
Reach out for other continents through wooden toys and tokens and candlesticks.
Cellas hide copper pans,
Hung like corpses from the noose, hours before dawn.
Shrouded in the sparse, misty breath of spider's webbing - clogging the beast's underbelly.
This building, this beast, is inhabited. - a gnarly group (not without their differences) reside within.
They endure the unwanted presence of Nature's iron grip,
For they know the beast annually disappears, -
Slinking off with sleep eyes
Beneath the feet of giant pines beginning to warm
In some musky woods.
Suspended in each icy room,
The hazy memory of glorious days gone by
Patiently wait to drive all the sharp drafts
Out of the cella - taking the cob-webs with them,
Through the hallway past gloomy artwork, on
Up through the cracks in the roof-hatch,
Sending them scuttling after the Wintery Beast
Like impudent schoolboys late for a field-day.
Behind is left a solitary air of radiating calm,
Which fuses merrily with the walls,
Reflecting the aspiring credo of one or two of the inhabitants...
But for now, the beast lies in rest.
Appearing for another year, only moments ago.